Classic Builders are one of many building companies in the Bay of Plenty that we have teamed up with to manufacture branded garage door covers for all their building projects Nationwide.
The building process is complex and there are many rules to comply with. One of which is a requirement for garage door openings to be sealed as part of the pre-line inspection. Over 3 years ago now, Tarpaulin Makers set about to find a solution to this problem as many clients wanted a more sustainable solution than single use plywood. This is how our heavy duty pre-line garage door covers came to fruition. The covers are designed to be re-used making them cost effective and environmentally friendly. We have now sent our pre-line garage door covers nationwide with Classic Builders and many of their subdivisions around the country are seeing the covers in action.
We manufacture the covers for both single and double garages and Classic Builders have opted for their company logo to be printed on all the covers. This elevates the product from simply being a functional solution to a problem, to an innovate marketing tool. We now want to take this idea to the next level and offer full colour prints over the whole cover to advertise literally anything you want, from the completed house design to other subdivisions or contact details. The marketing ideas are only limited by your imagination and the benefits are endless.
Our pre-line garage door covers are becoming popular with several other building companies, big and small, and are enjoying the multiple benefits from using this product.